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来源:中国日报网 发布时间:2020-12-07 13:23:08
12月6日,在北京中日友好医院,易凡夫妇与国家援鄂抗疫医疗队代表合影留念。 中国日报记者 朱兴鑫 摄

中国日报12月6日北京电(记者 朱兴鑫) 2020年12月6日,曾经因感染新冠肺炎而皮肤变黑的武汉医生易凡抵达北京中日友好医院,向国家援鄂抗疫医疗队当面致谢。易凡是武汉市中心医院心脏大血管外科的医生,年初感染新冠肺炎,治疗时因药物导致色素沉着,皮肤变黑而引发公众对他的健康强烈关注。

当日,“战友重逢 让爱回家”易凡医生见面会在北京中日友好医院举行。作为参与武汉抗疫的历史见证,这台救治过易凡生命的ECMO被中日友好医院命名为“易凡号”。现在,易凡的皮肤和正常人一样,外表已经看不出任何黑色素,身上积累的药物副作用也已消退。

12月6日,王辰院士(左二)、中日友好医院呼吸与危重症学科主任詹庆元(左一)和易凡夫妇共同为“易凡号”ECMO揭牌。 中国日报记者 朱兴鑫 摄
12月6日,武汉医生易凡(中)与当时参与他救治的医生、中日友好医院呼吸与危重症学科主任詹庆元见面拥抱。 中国日报记者 朱兴鑫 摄
12月6日,武汉医生易凡(中)与国家援鄂抗疫医疗队代表共同参观中日友好医院抗击新冠肺炎疫情工作展览。 中国日报记者 朱兴鑫 摄


Cardiologist thanks Beijing medics for helping save his life

By Zhu Xingxin | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2020-12-06 17:16

Earlier this year, Yi Fan, 42, a cardiologist at Wuhan Central Hospital, contracted the novel coronavirus while treating patients there. He was later admitted to hospital on Jan 28.

Under the meticulous care of doctors and nurses from Beijing, Yi's condition improved and he was removed from an ECMO machine on March 16. He could not stand on his own until April 3 and was transferred to a general ward on April 14. He was eventually discharged on May 6.

Yi was in Beijing on Sunday to express his gratitude to professionals from the Beijing medical team for saving his life.


Cardiologist thanks Beijing doctors for saving his life

上一篇: 北京日报微信:“黑脸医生”进京,当面致谢恩人(2020年12月7日)

下一篇: ChinaDaily:Once COVID-19 infected, Wuhan doctor thanks Beijing medics for helping save hi…